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Saturday, June 09, 2007


an update on tue's bball gathering. the bballers met at j8 to go to rach's house, and rach made us wait for almost an hr! -.- reached her hse at ard 6 plus.. slacked ard and watched tv till abt 730. started the bbq fire at ard 745.. haha it was difficult to start the fire! but thanx to cindy, jasmine and all to burn the charcoal and light the fire starters. hmm then food was ready and there was corn!
then, me, rach and elissa, uhhh. took photos with the corn and it was damn funny. waiting for the photos to be sent to me. =) hahas, then we played truth or dare. it was supposed to be some kind of scandalous truth or dare. ahaha. yeaps.. bascically it was fun! ooh and we each received a card and a hp keychain frm the juniors! haha.. quite nice of them. thanx thanx for a nice bbq gathering! doubt any of them reads this but its okie. =D

today. went town-ing wif kim! haha like finally man. 2 weeks is such a long time. haha.. went watch hunting. i want to buy a nicee watch but cant seem to find any. booo.. saw the 987 crew outside cine then high tea was some choco sponge and potato wedges. played pool aft tt, pool was fun, keep laughing and all.. bought some clay hp keychain wif my name on it. haha, looks pretty pretty. its brown n orange! haha, kim also bought it and hers was green and green. :D

kim was complaining that when she's in town, she dun bump into anyone she knows. then aft she said that, we saw zoe lim! my sec 4 classmate. ahaha, looks like what she said its true. heh!

okay, time to hit the books! 2 more weeks!! i do have some sense of urgency. (oh sure man)

squarepants-ed!:D at 8:35 PM :: 0 ComPlaIns ::

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007


lol. an update for my blog! its lifeless!! shall breathe some lifee into my blog. haha.. lets welcome the june hols! or maybe it shd be called a june break, to catch up on studies and yes, prepare for prelims! but the probability of me focussing on my work follows a Poisson Distribution of 0.4

kim is away in the US for 2 weeks! haha, no one to entertain me until she comes back on fri. haahaa, boohoohoo.

meanwhile, it was back to sch for the 1st wk of june hols! extra lects and a gathering at mr ng's house. we played tennis and ate.. became a bit tanner and yeah. haha, the food was nicee cuz i was hungry. hehe.. nth much to say cuz life is not very happening. hahaaha.. im supposed to go out with squirrel and p****** next week! hahas.. shopping and maybe catch a movie! haha.. time is passign by so quickly!!

oh, but i went to study wif rf and had fun shaking shaker fries!
lol.. ijc's bball gathering at rach's house today! haha.. havent tell my mum yet, but i think i shd be able to go. ahhaha..

hmm shall update later.

squarepants-ed!:D at 9:45 PM :: 0 ComPlaIns ::

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


my life has been revolving ard bball! haha.. competition is on fri! so yeah. need to train more and stuff. and thus i guess i will have to neglect my tuts and studies for a while..

i cant help but think that something has changed. maybe im over sensitive but i can say tt my gut feelings can be trusted at times. but i hope im wrong this time. but it has got me thinking!! maybe one has to adapt to surroundings and maybe thats why the phrase 'survival of the fittest' exist. roarrs.

i want to go for star programme!

squarepants-ed!:D at 10:20 PM :: 0 ComPlaIns ::

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Friday, April 06, 2007


thanx people for the taggers. :)

i hate changes and i hope things would stay the same but it is just wishful thinking. but no doubt i hope that things will turn for the better since it is alr at rock bottom. i hate feeling awkward and all. this week was a terrible week. and it is so ironic that it is Good Friday.

but anyhow. went bugis today to walk ard, but i still dont feel cheery. eee.. i hate being moody.


squarepants-ed!:D at 10:38 PM :: 0 ComPlaIns ::

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

-.-" booo.

this wld be an emo entry, just typing out how i feel. rationalizing my thoughts and realising how illogical i can be at times. a contradictory entry, which u may find it difficult to comprehend

contrary to what i have posted earlier, i have not decided to stay in netball. i am fickle minded no doubt cuz there are positive sides in each cca. one cannot have the best of both worlds. i guess for the decision to go for bball, is the passion to play the sport and im nt very adept in netball even aft 1 yr of training. maybe i gave up too easily and tt is why i dint perservere in trying to learn it well.

it is illogical to quit netball at this time cuz tournaments are coming and i hv been in it for 1 yr. i cld have stayed on and support them durg the tournaments. but no i dint. and here i am wallowing in self pity, regretting and not putting my words and thoughts into action.

went for bball trg today, and i duno why but i wasnt as happy as i tht i wld be.. perhaps i miss the camaradie in netball. and the friendships there. the trg. but there's nth i can do but to convince myself that i cant turn back anymore and just face the fact. i mean, humans are social being who likes being ignored? seriously.

the environment may be totally different from netball, the people, the court, the bonding and all, its out of my comfort zone. no matter how i feel, i guess i cant press the 'rewind' button. im nt feeling any better even tho i have quit. in fact, im feeling more sad and depressed as compared to the past whn im in 2 ccas. i hate to make decisions and i made a hasty decision this morning. i need more time to think, but how can time be measured? perhaps im too sensitive in sensing that i have 'lost' the communication wif my previous teammates. but i dont expect them to tlk to me, since im alr nt wif them.

a terrible feeling now. hoping that it will go away soon.

failed 3 H2s and passed 2H1s for block tests, the cohort did relatively bad for block tests. PTM soon. dreads-

squarepants-ed!:D at 11:25 PM :: 0 ComPlaIns ::

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Sunday, April 01, 2007


april fools day! haha. but i dint really pranked anyone. hahaha..

i have decided to stay in netball! haha.. cuz the feeling of playing bball in jc is different frm playing in sec sch.. i enjoy playing bball more in sec sch than in jc, so yeah. and besides i tink i somehow enjoy playing netball. hmms.

saturday, 31st march was a long long long lon day out for me! =) but i kinda enjoyed it.
below are my summarised rantings for saturday.

A. netball trg in sch at 8am. left halfway cuz i had to go to newater visitor centre for nyaa service

B. newater visitor centre is situated all the way at tanah merah!! 1 hr plus mrt ride frm woodlands to tanah merah. -.- tired and bored on the way. hahas

C. made a fool out of myself on the eve of april fool's. -.- this was wad i did: i stood up from my seat and wanted to walk towards the door to alight. but somehow, i was looking at the window cuz i finally saw the "Tanah Merah" sign. den, i turned and walked straight into the metal pole in the train and knocked my forehead. it was super embarassing!! i wld have laughed if anyone did that. haha, i tink the impact was quite loud and i heard a woman saying "aiyo" even tho i had my earphones on. ahaha. i tried to act cool and pretended it dint hurt cuz it was really a stupid thing to do la. it was darn painful aft i got out of the train. hahaha

and now there's a small bump on my forehead. =( i'm amused at myself. =/

D. went through the newater tour abt 3 times and spent half the day learning how newater is produced.

E. newater comes from industrial processes and it is safer to drink newater than distilled water.

F. dinner at plaza sing! it was ard 5 whn me rong and ven had ajisen ramen. haha ramen rocks!! zzz joined us aft our dinner cuz she ate some food at home before meeting us.

G. walked to cine to take neoprints! haha, took our square neoprint! happy happy happy. ahhas..

H. met kim aft tt and walked ard cine.. wanted to find my spongebob keychain but they dun sell it anymore!! roarr.. sobs sobs sobs. i want a keychain for my baggg.

I. i saw mr clayton ang and his gf at dhoby ghaut station while gg home. took the same train as him and he was talking abt physics and chem along the way. -.-

J. i walked for abt more than 12 hours ! tired legs. haha.. and a painful head. the end!

squarepants-ed!:D at 9:13 PM :: 0 ComPlaIns ::

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Saturday, March 24, 2007


term 2 week 1 whizzed past with block tests. and finally it ended on thur..
nothing much to say abt block tests, guess its a horrifying experience for my math and chem paper.

cca fair on friday!! as usual, many ppl signed up for netball! i think its cool to have a lot of ppl in a cca, esp team sports.

had dinner wif yiwen at cwp aft cca fair, hmmm.. we had a long talk.. its prob a talk tt i would never forget. it made me realise that some ppl are actually nice. thanx for the advice and maybe a listening ear. im glad my decision would be respected by yiwen.

i guess this is an emo-week.

the alarm has sounded.
chem block test result aint looking good. not even for my class. just what on earth is happening?

a tough decision to make, it sure is.
it is not right to have the best of both worlds, but
what will determine a right decision?
does it mean that sacrifices and compromises have to be made,
giving up things tt seem familiar and treading on strange grounds?
or stickin to staus quo and assure myself that everything will be okay

worst case scenario: flip a coin

squarepants-ed!:D at 11:05 PM :: 0 ComPlaIns ::

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